ROSE Cares. Get involved and help us make a difference together!
ROSE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is fully tax deductible.
Please help ROSE by making your tax-deductible online donation now:
When you shop on Amazon go to and select ROSE, 0.05% of your purchase will come back to support ROSE.
Matching Gifts:
Many employers will match gifts made to us by their employees. Please check with your employer and mail your matching gift to the address below.
Planned Giving:
We welcome giving through long-range planning. Please contact us to further discuss.
Gifts by Check:
If you prefer to mail your check, please see information below. Please include your full name, mailing address and email to ensure we can send you a thank you and a receipt for your donation.
Your gift is needed and appreciated
Mailing Address:
10640 Main Street
Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
ROSE is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS.
Make Checks payable to: ROSE or Reiki Outreach Services for Elders
We believe in transparency and disclosure. Please feel free to contact us to review a copy of our latest IRS 990 form.
We follow the Association of Fundraising Professionals Code of Ethical Principals and Donor Bill of Rights.