Personal Statement by Evan H. Farr, Elder Law Attorney, Reiki Master, and Founder of ROSE

Personal Statement by Evan H. Farr, Elder Law Attorney, Reiki Master, and Founder of ROSE:​Evan

“Reiki improved my life in extraordinary ways, curing me of several major illnesses that traditional Western medicine said were incurable.   ​

Reiki has also given me a greater understanding of the world of energy, of which we all are a part. Scientists agree that at the quantum level, our bodies and everything in our universe, seen and unseen, is made up of energy, and the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed.   ​

Reiki is one of many ways that the Universal Energy all around us can be channeled and utilized to promote a body’s own healing mechanisms to restore that body to greater health: not just physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I created ROSE to combine my passion for helping elders through Elder Law and my passion for helping others through Reiki.  ​

Obviously Reiki does not benefit everyone in the way it benefited me, but I believe that  everyone – including Elders — should have the chance to experience the gentle healing powers of Reiki.”​


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